Saturday, 28 December 2013

Exit Slips as Quick Assessment

As a way to quickly assess my students understanding of the material, I developed two different formats for that assessment.  

The first was a “Twitter board”.  The students and I both created profiles, or twitter handles, with profile pictures and names that described us and were laminated for multiple use. I would pose questions about their learning and model how their responses should be formatted and how to use hashtags (#).  I believe this was a safe and fun way to incorporate cultural influences, and allow me to see the students’ ability to reflect on their own learning.   

The second exit slip was a Traffic Light.   The colors of the traffic light represented a different level of understanding. The students were asked to stick a sticky note, with their name on it, on the color that best described their level of understanding after a specific lesson.  
I would to incorporate these more often in my next block to get a better gauge of how effective it is on my students’ learning. 

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