Thursday, 15 August 2013

Teaching Philosophy

When it comes to my ideas toward teaching and the role of a teacher; I believe that in today’s society students must embark upon a journey of discovery.

The teacher must provide the students with hands-on experiences and interactive learning opportunities within the classroom setting.  In correlation with the universal design framework, the teacher must provide different avenues for learning which engage and incorporate student views and goes beyond the simple method of pencil and paper work.  In my experiences, students who have been provided with different learning forums have succeed greatly, have demonstrated better retention of the material taught and it has proven to provide valuable memories that the students can call upon later in life.

Also through this journey, I hope that students will discover themselves.  Education provides students with the opportunity to discover what they believe in and what paths they wish to follow.  Teachers hold a lot of power of influence over students but it is our responsibility to provide them with the unbiased truth and encourage them to make decisions based on their own feelings.  We, as teachers, should harness the students’ curiosity, help them sort through their own thinking and ensure they continue their journey of self-discovery.

Students are not the only ones on this journey of discovery, teachers are too.  I believe that as a teacher you must have a high level of compassion and understanding of a child’s situation.  Within a year, we connect with our students; discover their pasts, impact their present and dream with them about their future.  I believe each student comes into the classroom with something to offer and it is the teacher’s responsibility to discover and nurture that uniqueness within that student, and within all the students.  In my experiences, being a genuine caregiver to your students will greatly impact the safety and security of your classroom dynamics. But most importantly, provide them with the sense that someone cares about them and values them.

My teaching philosophy rests solely on the idea of a journey that both the students and teacher embark upon, but should be recognized as a journey that never ends as we continue to learn and discover the world around us.

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